Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be a cyclist to volunteer with Bike Club OKC?
NO! We need volunteers of all types. We need people with trucks to move bikes around. We need people to pickup food for field trips. We need help of all kinds!
Do I need to volunteer every week with Bike Club OKC?
NO! The more volunteers we have, the less each of us has to do!
What if I cannot pass a background check but want to help?
There are activities we often need help with that involve no contact with children, such as bike builds, that don't require background checks.
Does Bike Club OKC take bike donations?
YES BUT -- while we provide our students with NEW bikes for free via funds we receive through grants, donations, and fundraisers, we DO sometimes need donated adult bikes for use by our volunteers that ride with the kids during the program. Also, there have been special cases where we've provide bikes to families that expressed great interest in riding with their student after completion of our program -- donated bikes need to be in good working order.